
Showing posts from May, 2018

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FourPercent LIVE

Keto Diet - WOW, what an unexpected surprise.......

Hi, I’m writing this blog about a subject that I simply have to share because it has been transforming for my wife and I - the KETO Diet.   My wife had not made any plans to start dieting this year, although we both needed to lose weight in that we both have gained over 20 to 25 pounds since retiring back in 2013.   What happened was - at church the couple that sits behind us was sharing with us about how his wife had lost 8 pounds in about 9 to 10 days on the KETO diet.   Well, needless to say it sparked a conversation about what was is the KETO diet and how does it work.  Without getting into every nook and cranny about the mechanics of how it works in this blog, they basically explained that the  KETO diet puts your body into ketosis. Below is a brief description and a FREE Guide to  get started:      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++       Brief Description:  The ketogenic diet is a low carb, moderate protein, and   high fat diet which puts
  What do you know about yourself……. Well, one thing that I know about my self is - I cannot fail. Now, I don’t say that to be boastful or arrogant - what I mean is I simply cannot allow or resolve my thinking to ever quit on my goals and leaving a legacy for my family. So when I say I cannot fail - it has more to do with my internal constitution of never quitting on life.  When I look back over my life, and I think things over, I can say there have been so many times when I could have quit but something deep down inside of me just wouldn’t let me do that. How about you? Are you like that too? Can you relate to that - although you may feel like giving up - your inner you refuses to quit.  Also, have there been instances where fate would also have it where even if you did want to quit - there would be someone who you trusted in - to speak into your life, encounter you in your situation and they were able to  influence  you to consider alternatives solutions to help you make a

FourPercent LIVE

FourPercent LIVE

FourPercent LIVE

FourPercent LIVE

FourPercent LIVE

FourPercent LIVE